Saturday, June 13, 2009

2009 World Wide Knit in Public Day!

Today was World Wide Knit in Public Day which is mean to promote knitting as a craft and to bring knitters together. Although as a group we've known about the date for months and months, we sort of blew off planning until 10 days before the event. So we decided to just meet on the State House lawn in Concord, NH. We also decided not to get a permit, because it was sort of the last minute, and we figured the worst they would do was ask us to leave. It never really occurred to us that another event might be going on in the park at the same time, as well as the farmers market going on next to us on the side street.

Apparently there was some sort of military thing possibly related to Flag Day. So there were rousing military marches going on, lots of people in uniform wandering about, as well as booths and military advertising going on. Gov. Lynch was there, and one of our attendees, Meg was apparently friends with his body guard and tried to sway him into getting Lynch to drop by our little WWKIP gathering, but no dice. The event was well attended, we had a lot of our regulars, as well as some people we had not met yet, and those who come sporadically. One of the new people has the coolest tattoo and she let me take a picture. If I were to ever get a tattoo, I would probably get something similar, but I can't stand needles and tend to pass out. That might not be good in a tattoo parlor.

Gabriel brought his mom, and of course stole most of the attention for the rest of the day. He looks so much like his mom, it's crazy. I also took a picture of Sarah in mother mode taking pictures of Gabriel.

Claire and Mary dropped by even though they were blowing us off and were only there to go to the Farmer's Market. I took some really odd pictures of Claire because she kept moving, and I think she may owe me for not putting them up here. They were really funny.

Traci and Linda ran over to Puppy Love to get us hotdogs for lunch, the sun was shining, it was cool (although somehow I managed to get sunburned anyway) and it was a perfectly lovely day.

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