The new job is good. I was concerned that I would not like it, but so far, I'm liking it a lot. I had thought that I really didn't enjoy law, but it turns out that what I really didn't enjoy was advocacy. In my past life in private practice, instead of advising clients as to what their rights were and what they were likely to get under the statute and the law given the facts and having them actually listen to you, you were often required to instead try to make the law and statues fit what the client wanted regardless of what reality was and the likelihood of them getting it. So you turned yourself into a pretzel and stitched up random bits of this and that, trying make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, to get the client what they wanted. And it made me nuts. I hated going to court arguing something dumb just because the client wanted more than they were entitled to under the law. And while some clients were normal and rational and accepted what the state of the law was, a great many more were not. It was so refreshing this week to read through the statute and the facts and be able to say "okay, this is what it is." And not hear someone say to you, "But that's not what the client wants, so beat your head against the wall for the next two months to try to find a way around it," even though you know perfectly well you won't be able to, because you've already read everything and if you'd have been able to find a decent, rational way around it, you would have freaking done it already.
I was also amazed at how much came back and how quickly. I had not really done any legal writing in almost two years, and I was worried about that. But I seem to be fine. Also, I was going into an area of law that I didn't really practice in much. But it's amazing how much exposure I had to different areas over the years. After reading some of the different statutes, I'd think "oh yeah, I had to look this up in so and so's case, I remember this."
I'm not enjoying the dressing up again, but you can't have everything I suppose. I still need to get some basic shirts and some shoes, but I think I can manage to muddle through until after Christmas. I just cannot face shopping at this time of year. I am a certified Grinch, and if I have to face crowds of crazed Christmas consumers, there may be legal ramifications, which I just don't need at this point.
Shawn and I have decided not to do the Christmas gift thing for each other again this year. For the last few years we haven't because we were saving to move, and then we were saving for the wedding, and then we were saving because I left private practice, and last year it was because we were going on a cruise. This year it's because I've changed jobs and I won't have a full paycheck until January. Instead of gifts, we write each other a Christmas letter. You know, I appreciate the Christmas letter so much more than anything else he could get me. Everything else is just stuff. I don't need any more stuff. If I wanted the stuff, I'd have bought the stuff myself. (Those of you who are knitters are having a fit, because you're saying "hello?? yarn??" but the fact is, I buy plenty of my own yarn. Note my ravelry stash documentation.) The Christmas letter is something that's meaningful and I look forward to it more than gifts. Except it makes me cry every year, since Shawn is the sweetest thing alive. I'm working on him for it to be a poem this
In fiber news, last weekend Claire was in town. I love Claire. I was trying to remember how long I've known Claire now, but I can't. It's got to have been at least six or seven years now. Claire used to knit with us, but has moved to Maine now. I love that when I'm with Claire, I laugh the whole time. Claire famous for loving seed stitch, but I think she's delusional on that point. It was so good to see her. I miss her a lot, and I'm going to have to make sure I'm better at keeping in touch.
Heather M. also came to guild on Sunday and it was so good to see her too! I hadn't seen her since the second munchkin was born. She's another one that I really have do a better job with keeping in touch, especially since lives right in my neighborhood. Apparently, this failing of mine was something the uni
I wore my swirl shawl to knitting, and sat by Mary who is also knitting it now, in the same color. She's apparently feeling sensitive that people might think she's copying me, but a lot of people are knitting this thing right now, (see the Yarn Harlot's blog), and she bought the yarn from another knitter in our group who had bought the kit a long time ago, and it was coincidentally the same as mine.
I also finished my socks this past weekend at guild. I'm not sure why these took forever, except that I've been spinning a lot lately too.
I started some 2-Needle Fingerless Gloves from a Knitpicks pattern I bought years ago, with Hacho from Mirasol Yarns that I had in my stash. I started working on it at Paula's on Tuesday. I love the yarn, (blues and purples, how could I not??), but some
I normally don't go to guild in Derry on Friday nights because usually by the end of the week, I'm exhausted on Friday nights, but I agreed to do a helmet liner for Kerry M's husband's friend's unit, and she was going to bring the yarn. Turns out she was sick and was unable to come but it was really good to see some people I had not seen in a while.
While I was there, Caro
Since I had rippe
It's very silly, but I like it. So I had to dig out my McMorran yarn balance so I could figure out how many yards the skeins were so that I could write up the pattern. Even if you're not a spinner, I think having a McMorran balance is a great thing. It helps you determine how many yards per pound your yarn is, and then you can weigh the remainder of the skein to deter
Since I appear to have caught Shawn's cold, although I think I've been fighting it for a week, I'm going to lay low today and not spread it to the Sunday knitters.
Stay tuned for other updates as they come in.
Hey Denise - you keep up the compliments and I will just have to keep writing more silly haikus. Feel free to post it and put even more pressure on poor Sean. Mary